Mindful Musings In The Abstract” from Charles Wallis
This collection of paintings in abstract presentation reflects the artists feeling about attitudes, thoughts and events in relationships that crowd our mind, heart and soul from time to time. While each of us feels and experiences things differently we have common moments and times when our hearts and soul are sending us messages that may or may not want to acknowledge.
Charles Wallis is a graduate of the Baylor University fine art program. After college he opened a graphic design studio beginning his career as an artist. His paintings reflect mastery of his craft and versatility in a variety of styles and media. He paints in a traditional realistic style, as well as impressionistic, abstract.
Out of stock20” X 24”, acrylic on canvas
36” x 36”, acrylic on canvas Freedom lies at the first step away from something. Freedom is the beginning and not the outcome of a journey. It is our pretense that because we have choices we are free. The founding fathers were free to build a government…add cities, add states, Freedom would be pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment or reward. Freedom would be a choice less life. Do you remember the line from the song “Me and Bobby MeGee”…freedom is just another word for nothing to lose”. Yet…I am glad I was born and live in this great country. I can’t imagine a better place to be and am thankful for all those that have gone before and kept things together for the rest of us. it is our turn and what dilemmas do we have it keeping this thing going now these days.
Out of stock24” X 36”, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas