Rebirth Reality - Grand Opening! One Night interactive Art Show at Degallery.Please join us for the celebration of our new installation at the Degallery | APR 26th | We will have music, raffle prizes, hor d’ourves & drinks provided courtesy of the Degallery. Come from 6-10pm to experience our interactive stations, new artwork reveal, and display brand archival artifacts & stories.“Rebirth Reality”- This collaboration exhibition between Rebirth Attire & Graniello Calderon explores the integration of augmented reality technology within modern art and reinterprets the experience for the viewer.A mixed reality collaborative exhibition experience presented by Rebirth Entire with original artwork by Graniello Calderon. The theme of rebirth serves to deliver the idea of new beginnings through a unique experience that combines contemporary art with the potential future of digital musuems via the medium of augmented reality.
Join us for a class in creating a fluid art painting. A perfect addition to your Spring time décor, or as that unique gift for Mother’s Day. In this class you will learn the techniques used to pour your paint onto your canvas, as well as what tools and recipes to use.
Fluid art is a way of creating organic lines and shapes by pouring your paint onto a canvas. In this workshop you will learn about the different techniques, such as pouring directly on to the canvas, or using the “flip cup” method. You will also learn about what tools to use, and how to thin your paint to create a cohesive, high-contrast work of art. With these tips and tools, you can even learn how to recreate this technique at home. No experience needed. Just come and have fun!
All levels welcome.
All Materials included. Price is $35/class