Dr. Daria Penionzhkevich Dega

Ph.D., MAA, MD

US Citizen


Highly experienced manager. Art gallery and art studio business owner. Award-winning artist. Founder and director
of non-for-profit art organization.


October 28, 2019 – present
Founder, Owner, and President of DEGA International Art Association Incorp., USA. (www.artdega.org)

  • 2019 – at present Founder and director of International Kids Art Contest “Happy DEGART” (International Kids Art Contest – DEGA (artdega.org) 2020 Happy Degart – DEGALLERY)
  • 2019 – at present Founder and director of International Art Exhibition for professional Artists “Winter Art Show” International Art Exhibition – DEGA (artdega.org)
  • 2020- at present Founder and director of DEGART International Grand Art Event (International Art Conference) International Art Exhibition – DEGA (artdega.org)
    • manager of fundraising events and programs
    • manager of sponsors and donors’ communications
    • manager of exhibitions and competitions
    • program manager (PreK-12, students, adults, and seniors’ programs)
    • scholarship program coordinator

March 8, 2016 – present
Founder, Owner, and President of Degallery Corp ., USA . (Art Gallery and Art Studio business)

  • Art and education program director
  • Art instructor for kids and adults’ art classes and professional workshops (PrK-12, college and adults’ programs for beginners, intermedium and professional level students)
  • Marketing director
  • Exhibition director
  • Event manager

Head of the Department of Public Health of Odintsovo district (Moscow region), the highest ranked public health care official in the district with population of 320,000 (2010 Census).

Associate Professor in Rehabilitation and Neuroscience, Russian Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health Resorts treatment, Moscow, Russia

2004-2004 (8 month)
Interim Head of Rehabilitation Devision for Neurology Patients, Russian Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health Resorts treatment, Moscow, Russia

Group Leader for research in rehabilitation of patients with brain vascular deceases, Russian Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health Resorts treatment, Moscow, Russia

Senior Research Scientist, Russian Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health Resorts treatment, Moscow, Russia


  • 2022-2023.  Master of Art in Art. Northwestern State University Louisiana. Creative Research Document and Graduate Exhibition: “The Story of Women’s Self-Portrait Through Centuries and Styles.”
  • 2013 Post-Graduate Degree in the sociology of medicine, healthcare economics, and health insurance I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
  • 2011 Graduate Certificate of Professional Training in Physical Medicine. National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology.
  • 2009 Post-Graduate Degree. Study in a medicine program in Regenerative Medicine. National Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health Resorts Treatment.
  • 2001-2004.  Ph.D. Specialty: Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Medicine. National Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health Resorts Treatment.
  • 1999-2001 Clinical Residency Specialty – Neurology.  National Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health Resorts Treatment.
  • 1993-1999 M.D. Moscow Institute for Medical and Social Rehabilitation
  • 1983-1990 Art and Music School. Russia.



2016 – present
Instructor of Art, Intro to Painting, Drawing, Ceramic, Design, 2D Foundation, DEGALLERY Corp., Bryan, TEXAS (40 hours/week)

Associate Professor in Rehabilitation, Russian Research Center for Rehabilitation Medicine and Health
Resorts treatment, Moscow, Russia


Elected to public office as a representative to county council of Odintsovo region, Russia, 2009 – 2014
Member of coordination council for Moscow Oblast’ (region) Duma (parliament of Moscow region) healthcare
committee. 2012 – 2013
Member of Junior Federal Parliament of Moscow Oblast’ Duma (parliament of Moscow region).
Chair of Healthcare Committee. 2010 – 2013


President of Texas A&M University Women’s Club. 2019- 2020
Board member of Texas A&M University Women’s Club. 2017-2022
Board Director Patron of the Art Brazos Christian School 2021- present
Member of Chamber of Commerce BCS Texas 2016 – present
Member of American Business Women’s Association 2017- present
Member of Portrait Society of America 2021- present


2021 First Place winner in Oil Painting Category, International Winter Art Show and Competition, “Winter Road”, 20”x16”, oil on linen, Texas USA

2022 First Place winner in Oil/Acrylic Painting Category. ”My First Texas Gifts”, 20”x16”, oil on linen. Spring Art Show of Visual Artists Society of BCS Texas, Texas USA

2022 First Place winner in Ceramic Category, “Cold Stone”, ceramic set. Winter International Art Show and Competition, Texas USA

2022 Best Art Gallery. DEGALLERY People Choice Award by the people of Brazos Valley

2022 Honorable Mention. DEGALLERY Summer Camp for Kids, People Choice Award by the people of the Brazos Valley.

2022 Honorable Mention. DEGALLERY Exhibit, People Choice Award by the people of the Brazos Valley

2022 Honorable Mention. DEGALLERY Art Studio, People Choice Award by the people of the Brazos Valley

2023 Best of the Show. “Lotuses Valley”, 30”x40”, Oil/Acrylic on canvas. A Golden Gala: the Visual Art Society’s 50th Anniv Celebration Art Show and Competition, Texas USA

2023 First Place in Oil/Acrylic paint category. Division of Professional Artists. “Lotuses Valley”, 30”x40”, Oil/Acrylic on canvas. A Golden Gala: the Visual Art Society’s 50th Anniv Celebration Art Show and Competition, Texas USA

2023 Division of Professional Artists Winer. “Lotuses Valley”, 30”x40”, Oil/Acrylic on canvas. A Golden Gala: the Visual Art Society’s 50th Anniv Celebration Art Show and Competition, Texas USA

2023 First Place in Mixed Media Category. “The Beginning”, 40”x60”, Oil/Glass/Resin on Canvas. A Golden Gala: the Visual Art Society’s 50th Anniv Celebration Art Show and Competition, Texas USA

2023 First Place in Studio Craft Category “Spiral Galaxy”, Ceramic Set. A Golden Gala: the Visual Art Society’s 50th Anniv Celebration Art Show and Competition, Texas USA

2023 Second Place in Studio Craft Category “Water Lilies”, Ceramic Set. A Golden Gala: the Visual Art Society’s 50th Anniv Celebration Art Show and Competition, Texas USA

2023 Best Art Studio. DEGALLERY. People Choice Award by the people of Brazos Valley

2023 Best Summer Camp for Kids. DEGALLERY. People Choice Award by the people of Brazos Valley

2023 3 place “The Story of Crayons” in Graduate National Juried Exhibition The University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi USA

2023 1 Place “Love and Care”, Soft pastel, 24”x36”. “Mental Health Art Contest”, Texas, USA

2024 1 Place in Mixed Media Category “The Bloom,” Oil/Acrylic on Canvas, 48″x60″. “Art and Bloom Art Show by VAS”, Bryan, Texas, USA

2024 Best with using texture “The Bloom,” Oil/Acrylic on Canvas, 48″x60″. “Art and Bloom Art Show by VAS”, Bryan, Texas, USA

2024 1 Place in Sculpture Category “Cactuses in Bloom,” Ceramic Sculpture, 13″x14″x7″,  “Art and Bloom Art Show by VAS,” Bryan, Texas, USA

2024 3 Place in Fine Craft Category “The Rose,” Ceramic, 14’x15″x7″, “Art and Bloom Art Show by VAS,” Bryan, Texas, USA


2021 “Winter International Art Show and Competition 2021”, November 2021, Texas USA

2022 “Spring Art Show” of Visual Artists Society of BCS Texas, April-May 2022, Texas USA

2022 “Hullabaloo” by VAS Annuals Members Only Art Show, September 2022, Texas USA

2022 “Winter International Art Show and Competition”, December 2022, Texas USA

2023 “Fresh Paint” by Bryan Contemporary Artists, January 2023, Texas USA

2023 “Art We Love” by VAS of BCS Texas and Brazos Valley Art Council, January – February 2023, Texas USA

2023 “A Golden Gala: the Visual Art Society’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Art Show and Competition, March-April 2023, Texas USA

2023 “National GS Juried Exhibition,” September 2023, The University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, Mississippi USA

2023 “Aqua Vita” by members of VAS BCS, August-September 2023, Bryan, Texas USA

2024 “Resolution – New Beginnings”. January – February. Arts Council of Brazos Valley, College Station, TX USA

2024 “Fresh Paint”. Group show by Bryan Contemporary Artists. Bryan, TX USA

2024 “Round Rock ARTS”, Group Show by Professional Artists of Central Texas, February-April, Texas State University, Round Rock, Texas USA

2024 “International Spring Art Show”, February-July, Degallery, Bryan, TX USA



2023 “The Story of Women’s Self Portrait Through the Centuries and Styles,” July 2023, Northwestern State University Louisiana Gallery, Louisiana USA

2023 “The Story of Women’s Self Portrait Through the Centuries and Styles,” December 2023, Bryan, Texas USA

2024 “Color on Canvas and Clay I”, January-April, Cultural Activities Center, Temple, TX USA

2024 “Color on Canvas and Clay II”, February 2024, Degallery, Bryan, Texas USA


From 2016 DEGALLERY Corp., Bryan, Texas, USA



Work cellphone: +19797043090
e-mails: dary@degallery.us , contact@degallery.us
websites: www,degallery.us, www.artdega.org
Degallery address: 930 North Rosemary Dr., Bryan Texas 77802 USA